Tuesday, June 2, 2020

What to do When You Think an Elderly Relative Has Hearing Problems

If your parents or grandparents start showing signs of hearing loss it can all be very difficult to know what to do. You want to help them but it’s not always clear how and it’s something that can cause you difficulties and issues in your relationships with them. It’s especially difficult if this is a touchy subject for them and they’re very dismissive of it. Here are some of the ways to contend with the issue better.

Be Patient

First of all, you need to try to be as patient as you possibly can be with them. Being patient will allow you to deal with them better and prevent them from feeling frustrating or isolated, which is something that often can happen for people who are dealing with hearing loss problems. Getting frustrated with them over something they can’t control definitely won’t help at all, so keep your cool and be understanding about what they’re going through.

Encourage Them to Seek Help and Get Treatment

It’s a good idea to encourage them to seek help from someone, even if this is something that they seem quite resistant to. Help them to learn more about how effective treatments can help and make it clear that there’s nothing to be concerned about. If you support them through this, it’ll help a lot, and they should feel more comfortable about heading to the doctor to get the assistance they need.

Understand Their Reservations

You should try to see things from their point of view and understand any reservations they might have about getting help for their hearing. Of course, your aim should still always be to ensure they get the help and treatment they need, but that’s easier to do if you can understand their concerns and reservations. It’ll help you help them more effectively going forward.

Be Accommodating to Their Needs

Sometimes, you need to take steps to accommodate them and their needs better. It’s not always easy to do this but when someone is suffering hearing loss, they will need you to change certain things. Maybe you can start using visual ways of communicating more often and you might have to speak more loudly in certain situations to help them understand you better.

Reduce Background Noise When Communicating

Finally, you should think about how you can reduce the background and environmental noises around you when you’re trying to communicate with your loved one. Think about how that excess noise might stop your relative from people able to hear and participate in conversations. You might not realize it, but background noises make things really tough for people with hearing loss.

Dealing with the health problems that your elderly relative is experiencing can be tough. But if you stay patient and do what you can to help them get the professional help they need, you’ll be able to get through it and make the situation better for them than it would otherwise be.

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