Saturday, February 8, 2020

Dealing With Muscle Pain In Your Arm

When it comes to muscle pain, one of the most common causes is a strain, which is also called a muscle tear in some cases. Muscular strains differ from person to person, with some people only experiencing a mild strain and others suffering from a complete rupture, which is the worst-case scenario.

A muscle strain occurs when your arm muscles, namely your biceps, are overloaded at high speed, yet there are other causes, such as postural fatigue. If you have a muscular strain in your arm, it is likely that your muscles will be feeling tight while other symptoms include pain, struggling to fully stretch your injured muscle, weakness, and bruising. 

If these symptoms sound familiar, you need to book a physiotherapy appointment as soon as possible. The last thing you want to do is run the risk of the problem getting worse, causing further pain and limiting the movement of your arm further. Instead, the sooner you begin treatment, the better. 

When you book an appointment, the first thing an experienced physiotherapist will do is carry out a thorough examination of your condition, which will include diagnostic tests and an evaluation of your symptoms. This is used to get to the root of the problem, so they can see what is causing the pain and how severe your strain is. This is an imperative part of the recovery, as it is the only way to ensure that an effective treatment plan is put together.

Plus, there are many different reasons why you could be experiencing muscle pain. This could be to do with your working conditions. It could also be to do with an existing condition, such as multiple sclerosis. Your physiotherapist will not only provide bespoke advice based on your diagnosis but they will also provide advice on home care, as well as good resources to use, like the Shift MS Forum for anyone who is suffering from MS. the same sort of forums are available for other conditions, and so there is a lot of help and support out there.

Once they have come to an accurate diagnosis, they will then use an array of different techniques to make sure you get back to your best, including ice and heat treatment, dry needling, massage, strengthening exercises, postural exercises, flexibility exercises, electrotherapy and more. 

They will also give you a realistic picture regarding the recovery phase and how long it will take while we will give you all of the information and advice you need so that you can manage the condition effectively at home to aid a fast recovery. 

Physiotherapy is undoubtedly the best solution for anyone that is suffering from a muscular strain, as it gets to the root of the problem and focuses on a full recovery, while the likes of painkillers only provide a quick fix and offer nothing in terms of getting better. 

If you have a muscular strain and would like to book an appointment an experienced therapist, make sure you do your research first.

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