Wednesday, January 22, 2020

How to Recognize Signs of Depression in Adults

Depression is largely recognized as a debilitating mental illness which manifests and takes a drastic hold of people’s lives, often in different ways. It presents itself with a number of challenging symptoms for suffers and families that can become increasingly difficult to live with. However, it is comforting to know that depression is never a sign of weakness and can be resolved with the correct treatment. The negative social stigma that surrounds depression can make identifying symptoms in loved ones difficult - often, people may appear happy and energetic but can feel the complete opposite inside. It’s important to be aware of how to recognise the signs of depression in loved ones so that you can start taking action to help them on their journey towards recovery.

Personality Changes
Depression largely takes form in emotional changes to a person. Having bad days and feeling blue can happen to everyone in life from time to time, but when a person expresses consistent feelings of helplessness and despair, guilt, anxiousness, or even irritability and anger, these can be some of the indicative symptoms of depression. Additionally, a person suffering with depression may find difficulty in concentrating, making decisions and remembering certain things. It may be a confusing and daunting time for a person to be courageous and open up to you about their concerns, so approach the subject of depression lightly and suggest if they would consider talking to a professional if necessary. 

Physical Symptoms
Depression is not just an illness in your head, it can also present physical symptoms, including headaches, vision problems, fatigue and aching muscles. While there are a number of other conditions responsible for such symptoms, it is vital to check up on loved ones if they are verbally displaying these alongside other evident symptoms of depression.

Substance Abuse
Substance abuse through alcohol is common among those battling depression, as sufferers may feel completely hopeless and subsequently wish to find temporary relief to escape their emotions. You can help loved ones overcome the restraints of depression on their lives through discussing professional help options, and through suggesting an alcohol addiction treatment centre if you are concerned about alcoholism affecting their recovery process.

Change in eating habits
Another symptom to look out for can include a change in eating habits, which can include both overeating and undereating. People with depression may find comfort in overeating to help uplift their mood, while others may inadvertently under eat due to a loss of appetite, or because they  feel too exhausted to prepare healthy and balanced meals. This cycle of poor eating habits only serves to worsen the condition and can result in feelings of isolation and hopelessness, so it is crucial to recognise this symptom quickly.

Lack of interest in activities
Both physiological and physical symptoms of depression such as low self-esteem and a lack of energy can affect people’s ability to carry out everyday activities, as well as finding enjoyment and interest in once-loved hobbies, which can in turn affect social and work lives. This withdrawal from everyday activities can also be another crucial symptom of depression that should be talked about and not overlooked.

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