Friday, January 3, 2020

Are You Ready For The Twenties?

Image by plonk66 from Pixabay 

The twenties are here again! 

We are just a few days into the year 2020, a new year, a new decade, and a fresh start. This year marks a new decade of opportunity for you to move forward, for you to define your own success and achieve whatever it is you want to. 

It is entirely up to you what you want to do with this new decade; it is a blank page. Whether you plan on maxing out your 401k this year, want to start a family this decade, go back to school, get a new job or lose weight, you can do it; you just need to prepare yourself before you can get started. If you were on the path you wanted to be last year, and you want to continue that, then go for it. Or if you’re looking for something new and you want a change, then now is the time to look back over the last year and reflect on what did and did not happen.

There are a few things you can do to help you determine what you really think about last year, start by describing your 2019 in three words, think about what genre a book would be if someone was to write about your life in 2019. Would it be a comedy, a romance, a drama? What would you do differently, and why? Write a list of your accomplishments from the past year, big or small, because before you turn your sights to what’s next, it’s essential to appreciate what you’ve done already so that you appreciate what you do as you go through 2020. 

Look at where you are now and how you got to where you are now. Which decisions proved brilliant – and which ones would you change if you could? Create a list of the biggest lessons you have learned over the last year and the ones you will take with you into the new year. If you can’t remember off the top of your head, look at your planner or social media pages to refresh your memory. Don't waste your time on any lessons that will tempt you to hold yourself back or be detrimental to whatever it is you want to achieve. 

Once you have looked back, then it’s time to look forward to what the new year might bring. What do you want to see in 2020? What do you want to discover? What do you want to explore? And what do you hope your everyday life will be like?

Finish as Many Small Tasks as You Can
You can start with the small, but equally important things and book any outstanding appointments you’ve been procrastinating on. Get your car serviced, go to the doctors or visit the dentist. Don’t let these kinds of things hang over you! The more small tasks you can tick off your to-do list, the better prepared you’ll be to get going on your goals for the new year. Don't worry if you haven't done this yet, it is only the first few days of January, so it’s not too late. You can use this month as a prep month for the rest of the year. Taking care of the small tasks will ensure that you start the year off, focusing on the bigger things rather than playing catch up. 

Ditch High Expectations 
Forget expectations that are too high; you will only set yourself up to fail; it is far better to be realistic. Remember that really great things will take time, and while this can feel discouraging along the way, if you set small attainable goals that you can accomplish, then you will feel good about it and can work toward the bigger goal.

Explore What is Most Meaningful to You
You are more likely to achieve something that you are passionate about. It's important to focus on things that really do matter to you, things that you can see, and appreciate the benefits of things that will bring you closer to your ultimate goal and what you want for the future.

Make A Game Plan
Once you've done your reflecting, then it's time to turn it into action by properly setting goals. As mentioned, create a bigger goal for the entire year, but make sure you add smaller goals that will help you to reach your main goal. Once you know what you want, then you need to create an outline of how you will achieve each of these small goals and a timeline of when you want to accomplish them. Again, be realistic so that you don't get discouraged and make sure you plan ways to ensure that you stay on track. 

It's important to revisit your goals and your action plan at least four times a year because it's not unusual for peoples' goals to change throughout the year, and there are a number of different reasons why this might be. You might decide to change your job, you may get an unexpected promotion, or perhaps you'll lose your job. If your circumstances change, then your goals will understandably change too, and rightly so.  

Create A Plan For When You Feel Discouraged
Being realistic, there are going to be times when you want to give up, you don't see any progress, things aren't going your way, and you don't see the point anymore. These thoughts will hold you back from succeeding. It's inevitable that you will make excuses and put things, so when you're preparing for the new year, you need to prepare for these setbacks too, know that they will happen, and don't be disappointed with yourself when they do. 

Take Time to Recharge
There will always be times when you need to relax and rejuvenate so that you avoid burning out and can continue to be happy and productive. Remember to plan time to recharge and engage in activities that are meaningful to you. Self-care can be anything from rest, participating in healthy activities such as yoga and meditation, or just doing what you love and spending time with people you love. Taking care of yourself is essential to your success, but it is often placed low on the priority list.

Set yourself up for success in 2020 by being purposeful with your goals, and believe in your ability to accomplish them!

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