Sunday, September 22, 2019

How To Manage an Earache At Home

There are a few things in life that are incredibly painful. Toothache and earache are high on the list. If it has an impact on your whole body for the duration of the pain. You will likely find that you are left with an earache after you have had a cold or the flu. If you have another ear complaint you might need to seek out specialist advice for what to do if you end up with something like tinnitus, click here for more information on that. 

But there are ways that you can manage ear pain at home. 


The first thing that you need to do is head to the doctors so that they can rule out if you have an ear infection. If you do, you may not always get antibiotics. If you do, it is essential that you finish the whole course of medication. Many people are tempted to stop once the pain goes, but just because the pain has gone doesn’t mean that the infection has. They will likely either give you advice on what pain medication you can take or prescribe you some to take. Again - see the course of tablets through. 

Warm Compress

Soak a small hand towel in boiling water and let it cool until it is just warm to touch rather than hot. Many people find the heat of the towel will help relax a lot of the muscles around the jaw, neck, and ear which can ease the pain. If there is liquid leaking out of the ear, this will also encourage it to move. 

Cold Compress

Sometimes the warm one doesn’t work. A cold compress might ease any heat or irritation in the area, as well as help relieve some of the swelling and throbbing sensations. It is better to try both and see what works. 

Pain Relief

If you have been to the doctor and you don’t have an infection, but you are in a lot of pain they might say the best thing to do is go home and then simply take some pain medication. You can take a range of items for earache, and depending on how acute it is, you may opt for the stronger pain killers. Ibuprofen, naproxen, co-codamol, and regular paracetamol might be enough to take the pain away for a few hours. It is vital that you don’t take too much while you are in the middle of the peak of pain. 


Staying busy and still running errands is not going to help - in most cases. Although a gentle walk can help you relax and take your mind off it for a while, rest is going to be the better option. When you do rest, try to remain as upright as possible. While you might be tempted to lay down, and on the side with the earache (usually to help fluid drain) don’t. Sitting up will relieve the pressure in your ear, which will lighten some of the pain too. 


Earache may linger for a week or so, but if you find that there has been no improvement, then you might light to head back to the doctors so that you can get it looked at again. Occasionally, there might be lasting damage. 

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