Monday, August 12, 2019

How To Put Safety First For Your Family

Image by Kaelie Nielsen from Pixabay 

It goes without saying that you want to keep your family safe, and in this day and age it can be worrying times, and you might wonder how you can possibly keep your family safe. With disasters happening all over, gun violence and stabbings at their peak, terrorism and online threats, the world is a scary place. Realistically though, it is a very safe place. Statistically, you are safe from all of these things, so reading horror stories will only scare you. But if you are feeling concerned for your family right now, then there are some things you can do to put your mind at ease and to feel safe in the knowledge that you are putting safety first. 

Talk To Your Children 
There's no point hiding your children from things that go on in the world; it is better to be open and honest about things that could happen and what they should do. For example, teach them the basics about what to do in a fire, such as getting low to avoid smoke or feeling doorknobs for heat before opening them. If you live in an area affected by hurricanes, tornadoes, or earthquakes, talk with children about how to recognize the signs and where they should go.
Make sure children know how to call the emergency services too. 

Put Together A Family Disaster Kit
Having basic supplies is crucial if there is a disaster, so get prepared ahead of time. A few things you can put in there include a first-aid kit, Water, Flashlights, batteries, chargers, non-perishable foods, like canned foods (and a can opener) and peanut butter, spare clothes, and a blanket or two and some toys or games.

Involve your children in planning and packing this disaster kit and make it into a fun game because the more you make it something regular and ordinary, the better and hopefully it will never be more than a game. 

Educate Yourself On Online Safety
The online world is a scary place, but there are also so many benefits to it and great things for our kids that you shouldn't keep them away from it, just keep them safe on it. They learn quicker than you do so you need to be ahead of the game and educate yourself on online safety. It's important to start discussing online safety at an early age, teach them about passwords and why they're important. It's also important to teach them about their behaviour online, and if they wouldn't do it in person, then they shouldn't do it online either. Would you go up to a stranger and start a conversation? Would you abuse people you don't know about how they look or what they're doing? They need to learn as well that once they have posted something, then it will stay online forever so to think about what they are saying. 

Always Buckle Up
It goes without saying really, but this simple act can mean the difference between life and death. According to the National Security Council (NSC), motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for people aged 1 to 33. It also states that roughly every 12 minutes, someone in the United States is killed because of a road accident and every 14 seconds, someone will suffer an injury causing a disability. Seat belts save the lives of thousands of people every year, so always make sure you are travelling safely, use child safety seats and make sure you have installed them properly. Finally, don't drink and drive. Again, it's something that shouldn't need to be said, but sadly, according to the NSC, approximately 40 per cent of auto accident deaths involve drinking, so this is not a positive figure. Always make sure you are following the rules, because should something happen which isn't your fault, you need to make sure you can level the playing field with these car accident lawyers

Always Wear Helmets
For both you and the kids, make sure that you always wear a helmet when you are doing activities such as biking or playing sports, such as football, hockey, or baseball. Make sure your kids to but set a good example and wear one yourself. 

Keep An Eye Out Near Water
Always keep an eye on your children at a pool or beach or even in the bathtub. If you have a swimming pool, make sure it is fenced in and install self-closing doors leading to it. Put all the toys away to stop any temptation from little ones and for added protection, install a cover that prevents access to the water.

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