Monday, July 8, 2019

Why Jackpot Slots Have Become So Popular

The last decade has seen an unprecedented rise in popularity across the multi-faceted world of slots that has seen them played at record frequencies across the online and land-based spheres. And there’s no wonder really, especially when you consider the rate of technological progress made across the board. Where slots were once clunky, slow and one-dimensional, they are now packed with features that amplify the whole experience, especially at sites such as Wizard Slots.

In recent years it is progressive jackpot slots especially that have caught many people’s eyes with their often outrageous prizes. They have always been around, however their popularity is hitting newfound levels in the 21st Century due to a variety of factors. Probably the biggest catalyst is that, alongside the slot industry’s expansion, the prizes on offer are getting bigger and bigger. You know what that means don’t you? More and more players, which in turn drive potential jackpots even higher. 

Fun Factor 

The fun factor associated with slots has always been there, you cannot argue with that. However, nowadays this aspect of slot only gets more and more relevant as developers race to make their titles as engaging and fun as possible. For instance, 20 years ago it might take a few hundred spins to get a winning combination on the reels that would in turn unlock the jackpot. That would be it, however now you can go through various bonus rounds in order to get to the jackpot, something that is just intrinsically more fun. 

Technological Advances 

The massive increase in fun factor goes hand in hand with the immense technological advances made in the last few decades. Slots in general have come a long way since their humble beginnings at the start of the 20th Century; these days there are some quite incredible examples of graphics, gameplay and themes on offer. This was never going to do anything else other than make them more popular.

Furthermore, you can now play jackpot slots from pretty much anywhere you find yourself, provided you have a stable Internet connection of course. The online slot industry has blown the doors wide open to a whole new influx of gamblers, and progressive jackpot slots can be the most appealing option on the market. The reason why? Well, would you say no to a game that gave you the chance of winning over a million dollars in one spin? We didn’t think so.

Massive Jackpots 

But by far the biggest reason why jackpot slots have become so popular is purely because of the gargantuan size of some of the prizes on offer. It is truly ludicrous, and goes a long way in explaining their popularity. For instance, a software engineer won 39 million dollars off of one spin off of a Las Vegas Mega Bucks, and that’s only scratching the surface of some of the biggest wins. Is there any surprise these games are so popular?

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