Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Why Family Time Is So Important

Image by Daniel Park from Pixabay

We’re in 2019, and the idea of a ‘traditional’ family has completely changed. Today we have blended families, families with two mums, families with two dads, families living apart, children living with aunties or grandparents and much more - there is no such thing as ‘normal’ because everyone is different.

However, no matter what shape or size your family comes in, one of the most important things you can do for your children or those in your care about is to spend time together. The environment in which your child is raised has a big influence on how he or she deals with relationships, copes with situations, and learns about living life. Family lawyers, Stephenson, Chavárri & Dawson, know firsthand how situations can happen to any family, no matter where they’re from or what they do. Kids can be resilient but the stronger the family unit is, the more they can cope.

We often think that it’s all about quantity when it comes to spending time with your kids when it is the quality time that you need to give your family and children. According to studies, healthy families make family time for talking and listening, accepting differences, showing affection and encouragement, sharing chores and decision making, keeping in touch, and making time for each other. So, block out some time in your calendar because this is why family time is a must:

Strong Bonds
Your family will only be strong if you develop ties and bond with each other. Often the reason that children join gangs or groups is because they are welcomed in and want to be part of something and belong. Your kids need to feel secure, and they need to feel they have someone they can turn and look up to, for anything. Spending quality time together as a family ensures that a deep, strong, family bond develops.

Talk And Listen
In life, people need to share, talk, and listen to each other as a family. Parents often think that it might be tough to talk to their children because they think differently from grown-ups. However, parents often forget how they felt when they were young and that people you liked were the ones who listened to what you had to say. Listening doesn’t mean only hearing the words your child is saying, but also feeling what your child is trying to convey.

Teach Lessons
If you do not teach children at home, they will learn it elsewhere, so as a parent, would you want your children to learn life’s essential lessons from someone else? While children do have to learn things on their own, it’s important to have family time for discussions, where you can introduce your children to specific ideas and then discuss them.

Appreciate And Encourage
Giving hugs, holding hands, being thoughtful and kind are all things that can show praise and encouragement. According to studies, teenagers who remember being praised, hugged, or kissed are likely to do better at school than those who don’t have this experience. Take family time to ask what each family member has done in the day, and show interest in each other’s lives.

Enjoy Family Traditions
Little rituals or things that you do daily and on special occasions, help to build a sense of belonging, contentedness, and inner security within the family. Daily rituals like the way you greet each other, or say goodbye, what you do at mealtimes or bedtimes, can all be something to share within your family time. Families benefit from coming together to celebrate occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, or festivals like Christmas, etc., where they learn the traditions about what happens at these times.

Family time helps people to appreciate, encourage, and value the differences in each family member. Knowing that everyone is unique in their own way allows each family member to be excited about their interests, and show respect, tolerance and acceptance towards them.

Keep In Touch
While your immediate family unit needs to be strong, so does your relationship with extended family.
Knowing that there is support outside your immediate family helps you children to feel more secure, shows them good examples of relationships and makes a difference to your child’s happiness. It also increases the chances of them making good friends later in life.

Stay Involved
All parents and family members need to find the time and make an effort to get involved in their children’s education. Research shows that when parents involve themselves in the family, their children get better grades in school, are most likely to go on to higher education and have more positive attitudes and behave better. Keeping up to date with your kid’s education doesn’t have to mean overseeing every little thing they do, but can be just reading with your kids, checking their homework, getting involved in PTA or it can be as simple as asking your children, how their day at school was, but asking every day.

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