Thursday, October 19, 2017

Tips for Harmonious Traveling With Kids During the Holidays

Traveling with kids can be a challenge, to say the least, especially on holidays. Factoring a child’s needs into your travels involve a lot more than bringing in lots of snacks and making toilet stops.
In this article, we’ll provide real-life advice on travelling with kids in tow so you can enjoy your holidays without all the unnecessary fuss.
Give extra time. Whether you’re at the airport, sightseeing or getting from one place to another, you need to take your time. Kids love to explore and don’t actually care for the time pressure when travelling, so accept it to retain your cool. Factor in the gawping, faffing, stalling, and occasional tantrums into the timeframe.
Book ahead of time. It pays to book ahead whether you’re staying in hotels or camping. You cannot retain the spontaneity of travelling that you had before having children. Oftentimes you’ll find yourself in situations like arriving at your destination with tired, hungry kids melting down in the backseat.
Provide them with a camera. Providing your kids with their own user-friendly and robust camera encourages them to observe their environment and focus on what interests them. It also preoccupies their time and gives them the chance to appreciate your travels more. You’ll be surprised at the results from their view of things. Rocks, ants, random animal poo, gutters. Awesome!
Prepare for any climate. This may be a simple advice, but children dressed comfortably for both weather and terrain will enjoy their environment better. With all the gear available, there’s actually no excuse for kids using suits that are ill-fitting.
Use apps to your advantage. There’s little need to cram toy boxes into hand luggage when travelling wherever. Simple bring with you a tablet and download loads of apps and games for in-flight or on-road entertainment. Just remember to set rules and it’ll be a comfy ride for everyone.
Bring medicine. Whether they’re jet-lagged, eating less healthily or having runny nose due to the change in climate, kids always seem to catch illness during holidays. Pack an easy-to-swallow medicine and other essential medical items with you, including plasters, wipes, sting treatment, thermometer, etc.
Avoid sweets. Giving in to the temptation of feeding your children sweets can backfire during your journey as it can make them hyper for hours. Pack a mixture of savoury snacks like breadsticks, cheese cubes, bagels and fruit – anything to avoid arriving at your destination with children in the middle of a sugar rush.
Check your passports. Passports have a habit of running out when we’re not looking, so allow at least four weeks to renew them. The cost of a last-minute passport is huge, and irritating if you only realise it’s essential when already in the queue at your destination.
Secure a travel insurance for everyone. Any traveller worth his or her salt – or parent/s travelling with kids for that matter, must not skimp on a good travel insurance. The good news is that most insurers provide complimentary travel insurance cover for your dependent children, which means they will receive the same type and level of cover as you, although some benefits may not apply.
End Note That’s it. Remember, the key is right planning and sticking with your plans, including itineraries during your holiday trip. Make use of these tips to have a harmonious holiday with your children in tow. Have fun!

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