Saturday, May 20, 2017

7 Ways I Earned Over 70,000 Swagbucks ($700+)

Today I'm going to answer a question I get asked quite often ...

How do I earn most of my Swagbucks?
  1. Surfing the internet. As a homeschooler, I do a lot of internet searching. Every now and then a notice pops up that I've gotten some Swagbucks just for doing that, and it's lovely!
  2. Shopping. I feel like I buy something on eBay almost daily. I get 2SB per dollar I spend there. I need a $75 math program? Well, I'm already saving money buying it used, then I get 150SB just for buying something I needed. Sometimes maybe I need to get a size bigger of pants for a kid and know I can just do it online at Old Navy, for instance. More SB! Instead of wasting gas and time, I just saved money and earned SB. I also get a lot of SB when I buy movie tickets online using Fandango ... and sometimes we see a LOT of movies. I think I got a ton of SB when I signed up for Hulu years ago, and I got some when I signed up for our homeschool program. When I decide to sign up with Sam's Club, I'll also get a ton of SB.
  3. Daily poll. No-brainer. (also, surveys!)
  4. Checking out new products and companies from the main page.
  5. Checking out the the videos.
  6. Referring friends. So I tell my friends and blog readers about this great program and they sign up. I get a bonus and then a portion of SB when they shop :-)
  7. As an Influencer, you see my blog posts here and hear my stories. If you have a blog or website, you can apply for the Swagbucks Influencer Program and post special offers to earn extra Swagbucks and help promote the site.

What I Spend My SB On
Lifetime Swagbucks = 70,676, which is $706.76. Honestly, I just get my SB redemption sent to PayPal. That way I can do anything I want with it. I can send it to my checking account to help pay for things like braces. I can spend it on things like Teaching Texbooks Pre-Algebra 2.0. But what I've been doing lately is sending it to our Vacation Savings Account so we can get to Florida this fall!

So my question for you would be ...

What Are You Waiting For?  Sign up here!

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