Thursday, December 8, 2016

Partner With Your Dog For Fitness

As the new year approaches, we all start the dreaded list of resolutions for 2017. Even if we are happy with our lives, there is always something that we want to improve, or that we’d love to change about ourselves and how we present ourselves to the world. It is not uncommon that elements such as ‘do more sport,' ‘lose some weight,' or ‘be more active’ end up on the list of resolutions, as modern society has made us very sedentary. When one thinks that we only need a few clicks to order dinner or get a home cleaner, it is not surprising that we, as a society, have become less active. If for the new year you want to inject some sport back into your life, here is our ideal guideline of how to do it and make sure you stick to it. In short, how to plan workout with your dog.

Why Team Up With The Dog?

Dogs are notoriously playful, so if you are looking for a motivated partner in an outdoor activity, you can bet that your dog will always be happy to go outside and play. This is half the battle, when at least one of you is ready for a run! You can count on your dog for not cancelling on you at the last minute, which is its way of supporting your fitness resolution for 2017. Besides, you can easily combine your daily walk outside with some fitness activities, not only does this kills two birds with one stone but more importantly, this is an excellent way of creating a deeper bond with your darling pet.

How To Prepare For Outdoor Fitness With A Dog

Once you are convinced that you could happily get fitter with your dog, you need to consider all the preparation process before being ready to go out and play. First of all, a health check is essential at this stage: Book an appointment with a doctor to get yourself checked for anything that could represent a risk as you are planning your outdoor workout. This could be weak articulations, hay fever, asthma, etc. Make sure that you are well prepared for all eventualities, and that you have all you need at hand. For example, being asthmatic doesn’t mean that you can’t do any sport, but you will need to pack your inhaler with you. You will also need to book a similar checkup for your pet at your local vet. Do ask as well for flea treatments, such as frontline flea for example as your dog is likely to catch parasites when being outdoors.

What Outdoor Activities Are Best Suited?

Many think that the best outdoor activity with a dog is a workout jog, and even plan running routes in advance. However, this is an agenda that is difficult to keep if you are not a runner. There are plenty of sports that you could practice with your dog and that don’t involve jogging. If you live by the water, you could go surfing (, for example. If you enjoy ball games, you could train your dog to play ball with you; many dogs love throwing back the ball with their nose, and this is guaranteed to keep you fit. Or why not going swimming? The possibilities are infinite!   

Surfing dog by Unsplash

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