Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Sponsored Posts and Guest Posts on The Kerrie Show

If you are a company or a website, The Kerrie Show would love to work with you on post and link placement! (I don't have time for product reviews currently, but try me in the summertime!)

My fee for sponsored posting as of 2021 is $12. You write a high-quality post, and I provide permanent links, social media blasts, and even a graphic if you like! 

This is for indefinite placement. I only ask that the post be proofread before you send it to me and that it fits into one of the categories on my blog, which can be found down the right-hand side of the screen.

I don't have a word limit on sponsored posts.

I generally post within 24 hours of receiving a post and expect to be paid within 24 hours of placement via PayPal. 

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please feel free to contact the site owner, Kerrie McLoughlin, at You can also find my bio here.

Site Owner: Kerrie McLoughlin 
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I also have other sites you might be interested in. These include:

Homeschooling Mommybot chronicles our homeschooling life and gives lots of great tips on education and products and websites. There is a book in progress to accompany this site.

The Published Parent is a site dedicated to parents trying to make money from home, with a focus on writing for family and parenting magazines. Topics also include proofreading from home, working from home while caring for children, and more. The book to accompany this site can be found here.

Kerrie the Kitchen Queen shares successes and failures in the kitchen on my journey to feed my family healthy food on a budget while also achieving moderation. Lots of recipes! There are two books to accompany this site. The Tater Tot Casserole Cookbook can be found on Amazon in ebook and print format and The Ultimate Busy Parents on the go Cookbook is currently in progress.

The Lazy Parent's Guide to Life is all about how to keep your sanity and have fun while raising great kids. You don't need to be perfect! Tips range from doing laundry the easy way to cleaning your microwave in seconds all the way to letting your kids play at the restaurant play area BEFORE they eat their meal. Stop stressing and trying to do things like everyone else and have more fun while being the kind of parent God wants you to be! There is a book in progress to accompany this site.

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