Thursday, September 17, 2015

#HiltonHotels No More #Porn in Rooms ... FINALLY!

As of August 17, 2015, Hilton Hotels will no longer offer pornography on TVs in rooms.

I mean, sorry if you enjoyed your porn at a hotel but you can always whip out your Porn in Your Pocket cell phone, most likely, and do it there if you are just dying for it. Or skip a day. Sheesh.

As for me, I'm glad my kids don't have to turn on the TV in the hotel room anymore and see boobs in their faces. Don't get me wrong ... I breastfed for a million years so boobs are not a taboo topic in my home. We are certainly not a house of prudes and we use real names for body parts (and we also call testicles KIWIS, but that's just because we have a huge sense of humor around here).

But I think there's a difference between normal sexual education and skanky stuff, setting up our kids for an unrealistic life. And those images don't go away ... they stay in our heads and make us think we need to treat each other's bodies disrespectfully in order to be sexually satisfied. (I'm not coming at you from my lovely current married life but from being married to someone in my wayback past who was addicted to porn and mistreated all the women in his life and all women around him and is now actually in jail for venturing into underage sexual relations. Fun stuff, right?! Wrong.)

And I also think it sets up our kids to look for things in a marital partner that they are likely not going to get. This is also something I love about Natural Family Planning, conversely ... that my husband realizes I am a HUMAN BEING and not just a sexual object. He is aware of when I am fertile and OH MY FREAKING GOSH we ABSTAIN FROM SEX during those times if we don't want to get pregnant.

SAY WHAT? Having control over one's body without condoms and pills and shots and creams and all sorts of other nasty crap? What is this insanity I am professing?

Anyway, I wish all hotels would get on board with this. It's just not something necessary to your hotel stay, friends. Food, water, shelter, porn? Nope.

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