Thursday, June 4, 2015

#WohletzFarmFresh Strawberry Picking

So here is where I did something revolutionary for me: I planned our week. We always have so many cool things we want to do in the summertime and we also have to take into consideration very light homeschooling and swimming and friends and other things. So I tried to make a PLAN. Huh. Cool thing, a plan. Doesn't always have to go perfectly but you can at least give it a shot.

This is a post in pictures of our Tuesday. This day was INSANE. We went to the pool, we went to the free LEGO monthly minibuild, then we trucked it to pick strawberries half an hour away. We ate sandwiches in the car. I almost filled my 12-passenger van with children. I am insane and we had a blast! Needless to say, the Tackle It Tuesday portion of the day was cancelled for the sake of my brain not exploding.

A friend was texting me as I was screenshotting my weight loss for the week in the Weight Watchers parking lot

The gang outside Oak Park Mall after the LEGO build

Sam and Eva were a berry-picking team. I'm not sure why little Sam looks pained :-(

Ciara and Callie = besties

All my little berry-picking slaves and slavelettes ... the best berries around! Nothing like you get in the grocery store ... you have to go and pick your own!

I got a little toasty at the pool earlier in the day

Almost a full van, which is exactly why I always wanted it!

Oops! Forgot about having to process these. Let the freezing begin and I will try making jam later this week.

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