Sunday, September 28, 2014

Children's Halloween Costume Ideas Inspired by Books

Photo <a href="">161625020</a> © <a href="" itemprop="author">Chekyravaa</a> - <a href=""></a>

Trips to the school library are full of endless possibility, seemingly so are trips to various costume stores, thrift shops and online shops in the hope of finding that perfect child Halloween costume. Let your imagination get to work, and check out some of our tips for the best child Halloween costumes based on books:

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood

An iconic story of boyhood, friendship and adventure, Robin Hood is still so popular in children’s literature it’s hard to believe it was written over 130 years ago. Today’s Robin Hood might just be a little more badass though. Polish off that bow and arrow sharp shooter!

Little Red Riding Hood

Made famous in the variations by the Brothers Grimm in the 19th century, Little Red Riding Hood is continually readapted in literature and film, lately in TV’s Once Upon A Time and Grimm. The tale is old as time itself, and the red cape is iconic. Your daughter will look gorgeous in a red and black corset style dress with petticoat. Look out for the big bad wolf!

Where’s Wally

The Where’s Wally books have kept many a child entertained on rainy afternoons or during silent reading periods at school. They continue to be a parent’s dream come true when looking for some peace and quiet. This costume is comprised of the trademark red and white stripe jumper and the round black glasses. Everyone will be able to spot your kid from the crowd this Halloween!

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Written in 1900, there’s a pretty good chance most of us have read the Wizard of Oz, or at least seen the film or play. Like so many of these classics, the Wizard of Oz transcends generations and continues to be adapted in popular culture. The best part of the story are the many facets and rich characters to draw inspiration: Dorothy, of course, is the quintessential character, but think about the witches, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion or the Scarecrow.

Harry Potter

Last year the Harry Potter books had sold 400 million copies,  making them one of the best-selling book series in history. There are no surprises as to why, kids (and adults) can’t seem to get enough of the Potter franchise, as the last four books in the series set records as the fastest selling books in history – pure magic! The stories are vivid, entertaining and intense: is no wonder they’re reading by a vast majority of kids. It also doesn’t hurt that the costumes are pretty awesome! Check out the Gryffindor robes and a pretty creepy looking dementor (along with some other awesome child halloween costumes) on Spirit Halloween.

Cat in the Hat

Another absolute classic, the Cat in the Hat is a book that gets passed from generation to generation and proves to be a crowd favourite each time. Dr Seuss’s playful, nonsensical narratives make the perfect children’s story. From his incredible imaginations comes such crazy characters as Thing 1 & Thing 2: grab a best friend or sibling and make a dynamic costume duo!

Check out these Dr. Seuss halloween costumes on Pinterest.

Hunger Games

The latest young-adult literary craze to sweep the world, Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games trilogy has amassed a huge following, surpassing Harry Potter as Amazon’s best seller in 2012. In a similar style to Hermione, young girls are aspiring to a strong and dynamic female heroine: Katniss Everdeen. Katniss is the leader of the revolution and is a hugely popular character within children’s literature right now. Make sure you have your bow and arrow and Mockingjay pin to complete her look.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Written in 1865, Alice in Wonderland (as commonly called) has had a long literary history. Another example of literary nonsense, author Lewis Carrol distorts normal possibility and plays with logic – perhaps what makes the story so attractive generation after generation. Alice herself is the figurehead of the whole crazy tale, and makes a great child’s costume idea, so do the Cheshire Cat and Mad Hatter. We’re all mad here!

Get creative this Halloween and think outside of the box for your child's halloween costume – right into a book. Make sure you read it after Halloween as well!

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