Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Recap of Dates with Joel, Callie and Eva

Okay, so we are down 3 dates with 2 more to go. I am doing a crap job of taking pictures because we are too busy having fun. I didn't take the camera on the date with Eva at all and took a photo of her at home later. Oops. So here are some photos and recaps before the next two happen! Keep in mind the kids choose what we do. (sorry about the sideways photos!)

JOEL, age 12
We went to BD's Mongolian BBQ for dinner, then Barnes and Noble to peruse and shop and mess around. Then ice cream cones at the mall and then Michael's craft store for some fun things.

My mother is going to give me crap about the way I look here. I wasn't feel well that day and went on the date anyway ... and this was taken at a funny angle (excuses!)

I was feeling rich this evening and we got presents for everyone, which we'll discuss in a future post

CALLIE, age 9
I wrote about this date here and here with some pictures. Here they are again in case you don't want to go look at those pages. Cheesecake Factory for dinner and dessert then roller skating. Very simple yet so memorable!

She wanted to smash her face into her cheesecake for some reason and really, who am I to stop her? I mean, what's the big deal?

EVA, age 6
Subway for sandwiches, then to Trader Joe's to stock up on chocolate-covered everything. Then to AMC Ward Parkway with the red leather, reclining seats to see Mr. Peabody and Sherman, armed with soda pop and sandwiches and treats. Then to Target to get a My Little Pony toy. Fro yo place was closed so we went to Houlihan's by Oak Park Mall, where Eva got chocolate mousse but mostly ate only whipped cream. Our server was a homeschool mom of 4 and a lovely free spirit like myself, so she got Eva more whipped cream.

So sad for each date to be over. I could do it all the time with the kids ... rotating through each kid then Mr. Kerrie and then taking a night off and doing again the next week!

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