Friday, September 27, 2013

Free 5-Week Trial of Reading Eggs Through 9/30 @readingeggs @usfg

I've heard so many great things about the Reading Eggs program, so when they asked me to check them out and offer my readers a free 5-week trial, I could not pass it up (this offer is only good until the end of September, then it's a 2-week free trial). No credit card required!

We are big fans of phonics around here and I taught my two oldest sons to read using that method. My daughter, however, is struggling a little bit so we're excited to try this program with her so she can learn to read and with my kindergarten-age daughter, as well. Here are some things to know:

This program has been developed by terrific team of teachers, educational writers, animators and web developers so it's perfect for kids and a lot of fun.

·         Reading Eggs focuses on a core set of reading skills and strategies essential for reading success and is suitable for children aged 3 through 12. (hey, my 5 kids are in that age range!)

·        Since launching in the United States and Canada in 2011, Reading Eggs has signed on more than 500,000 subscribers and presented more than 15 million lessons in North America.

     Here's a great press release about how great online games are for teaching kids how to read!

     Check it out! I'll be doing the same!


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