Saturday, July 6, 2013

BUY IT! Try It Dry, Dry Shampoo Review

Holy cow, I have been living in a cave or something because I knew dry shampoo existed but I didn't know I should not have been living without it! I mean, I am FORTY-TWO years old, people, and I had never used dry shampoo, let alone this rockin' Batiste brand dry shampoo! Let me calm down and discuss this product rationally:

  1. I needed this all those days I could not shower due to having a baby nursing all day long on me.
  2. I needed this when I went camping with my boyfriend (now husband) and could not shower all weekend but still wanted to look pretty.
  3. I need this NOW because I only shower every other day in the interest of saving 1/2 an hour every other day of my life. I take care of my other body parts as far as keeping them refreshed, but my bangs get a little GREASY! I had started putting face powder on them to dry them out, but Batiste Dry Shampoo works so much better, smells great and can be touched up anytime.
  4. I also tried this on my girls and they love it. And their two girlfriends who were over love it.

Here's my before picture, first thing on a Saturday morning, hair greasy, no makeup touch-ups. This photo has not been retouched, friends, and when you get to be my age, you just don't care!

And my after picture. Stunning, if I do say so myself ... haha!

Here's some info from the sponsor:
"Summers are full of events, outdoor activities and long weekends. Batiste is a quick 
and convenient way to give your hair the boost it needs! Batiste banishes oily roots 
and revitalizes greasy, dull & lifeless hair between washes, without water. 
Most dry shampoos are made with corn starch - but not Batiste! It's made with 
rice starch, which is lighter on your hair so it won't weigh it down or leave a 
heavy residue! It can also be used to add volume to fine hair. Give Batiste 
a try when you're running late, camping, or just because you want to!"

Here are some of their pics:

You can do what I did and connect with Batiste on Facebook and Twitter!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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