Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sam Makes a New Fashion Statement: Preppy Peace

Okay, if this picture looks familiar to you, it's because I just posted it yesterday as part of Aron's Take Your Kids to Work Day ... haha! Now I'm posting it so you might notice the finer nuances of Sam's wardrobe. When the kids wear fatigues and tie-dye, we call that look War and Peace. When Sam wore tie-dye and preppy plaid shorts (bought by Jordan!), we call that Preppy Peace. I am the master of fashion, let me just tell you. Yes me, who would wear black shirts with jeans or shorts every single day. I keep saying I don't dress great because I need to lose weight and get the money to be able to afford vintage Chanel, but who am I kidding ... that's too much work! Thankfully, Callie has some fashion sense. Hopefully I can share some of those pics on here soon!


  1. Haha, love the names you gave the clothes. It would be sweet if my husband took the kids to work day but it's not allowed since it's a special needs bus. Before that he was in engineering and they would've died of boredom.

  2. yes, my mommyvan is also a special needs bus. i should not joke yet i do :-)

  3. yes, my mommyvan is also a special needs bus. i should not joke yet i do :-)


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