Saturday, July 16, 2011

How to Have a Fabulous 40th Birthday Party

For my 40th birthday, back in 2011, I knew something was up. A bouncy house was delivered in the morning. My husband's cousin was picking me up to take me to lunch for my birthday. Hmmm. Things that didn't normally happen. 

Went to BD'S Mongolian BBQ for lunch with Tresa then she pulled out HIGH heels and a 70s outfit and wig from her trunk. I was like NO WAY. How am I supposed to wear these?

But I did ... we went back to my place after cruising around in the Mustang convertible Aron rented for my birthday weekend and BAM there was a party going on! SURPRISE!

He even had Mi Ranchito cater it, which is like MY FAVORITE MEXICAN FOOD PLACE! We had Mexican food for days after and I was in heaven.

My husband dressed the boys in 70s garb ... don't they look all smarmy and cute? I think they're saying, "Hey, there, ladies, give me a call in about 15 years!"

I don't have a pic of Aron AND the boys with Aron in his 70s stuff. He did shave his facial hair to be all 70s and smarmy and then put on one of the wigs like the boys have on. He made me wear one, too. I embraced it.

Hubs rented me a 2011 red Mustang convertible for the WEEKEND since it's my very favorite kind of car in the world and always has been. Do you like my wig? How about the 4-inch platform Barbie heels? I dig them so much. They give me attitude ... until I fall on my face. I'm here with Callie. Sam is parking the car.

A shout-out to Bethenny Frankel and Skinny Girl drinks above. Mom and I were dying to try it. Let's just say there's a reason it's called "Skinny" ... I put some Koolaid in it and it was good to go!

If you're in KC and need a DJ, these people were awesome and open to suggestions!

After the DJ left the party was pretty much over at my house ... imagine what the neighbors were saying! There was a big ole tent in the backyard and a bouncy house and lots of debauchery (not really). So I took my pals Michelle, Ellen and Eva on a spin around town. We were free of kids for about an hour, then ready to go back to our families. I love my friends!

As always, what would we do without Jordan? She got a 'fro on Sam and he rocked it.

I hope sharing my experiences might have inspired you more to plan a perfect 40th birthday party like this. Likewise, if you want to find some more awesome ways like this then you can check out this amazing article about birthday inspiration on 40th birthday party ideas.

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