Saturday, June 11, 2011

Kerrie McLoughlin Cub Scout Leader

I kind of fell into the role of Cub Scout Den Co-Leader. I don't know if I expected to sign up my kid for Scouts, drop him off at meetings and then come get him an hour later. I probably figured either Aron or I would hang around at meetings and stuff to help out, see what was being done, etc. But nobody else signed up to lead our den a couple of years ago, and we stepped up. I'm the organizational genius (ha!) behind the true Leader, Aron. He actually leads the meetings with our tiny den. Joel has one more year of Cub Scouts before he becomes a Boy Scout next February (if he chooses to continue to Boy Scouts). Scouts has taught Joel a lot of good things. By the time you read this, he will have gotten back from a week of day camp with his dad.


  1. How cool! I always thought that would be neat for my kids but I didn't want to do it unless I'm a leader to be with them. However, I don't have the time so they aren't even in it. oh well. LOL

  2. I also got sucked into being a Guider and then a Rainbow leader back in Ireland. It was so enjoyable and I got so much out of it - including material for a few stories. It's a shame that so few adults volunteer to help out with Scouts and Guides - kids learn so much from these movements.


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