Friday, March 4, 2011

Kansas City Field Trip: Crown Center, Fritz’s, Kaleidoscope

For the last 2 years the kids and I haven’t been hitting the town like we used to. Toward the end of my pregnancy with Sam I was pretty sick (turned out to be an infection I should’ve gone to the doctor for or maybe Sam wouldn’t have been born with meconium aspiration … I’ll ask God when I’m dead).

Then having 5 kids was just a bit overwhelming as far as taking them all places, since my oldest was only 8 at the time. Whenever I’d do it, I was so proud of myself! We went to the zoo a few times and even made it to Crown Center once last fall. But Callie sleeps in, then by the time we get around Aron comes home for lunch, then Sam naps, then school is out, then it’s dinnertime. The days fly by, often without us leaving the house!

This time was different because we got to take along Jordan, who was out of school. It was a Friday in January. I love going to Crown Center because I used to work there … at Fleishman-Hillard Public Relations. My old boss, Betsey Solberg, told me on the day she canned me that I needed to “focus.” The trouble was, I was focused on having babies someday and wasn’t the best worker I could be!

So having kids for Aron and me (or is it still I?) was obviously a dream come true, and taking them to Crown Center, where I used to dream of them in advance, is always special and emotional.

Before you call The State on me for letting my kids play in fountains in January, keep in mind it was an unseasonably warm day! Here are some pics:

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I have turned into the biggest wimp now that I have six kids. I NEVER take the kids grocery shopping. That is my time away. I was really sick when I was pregnant with Caleb too. I'm glad he's not bitter and doesn't bite me.


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