Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Adopting Older Kids

Every Sunday in our local paper, The Kansas City Star, there is a picture of a kid or kids and the caption says FAMILY WANTED.

Every time I see the photo and read what’s under it, I could just die. I start to cry every single time. I think of how my kids have everything they could ever want … food, a home, two parents who love each other and who planned each and every pregnancy, grandparents who live close by, clothing, beds, toys, books, education, opportunities like dance and gymnastics classes, memberships to the zoo and to the pool every year and so much more.

Here’s one from Sunday, January 23, 2011 that broke my heart because the kids are the same age as my kids are right now and have the same interests (of course, what kid DOESN’T like spending time outside?!):

“These four would like a family willing to provide them a safe and stable environment. Merlin, 9, does well in school and loves to read. His hobbies include playing outside and riding his bike. Caitlin, 7, is a loving child who does well in school and enjoys spending time outside. She enjoys being involved with 4-H activities. Fiona, 5, loves being creative and coloring. She likes spending time with animals, being outside and playing with her dolls. Colin, 3, likes animals, spending time outdoors and coloring. He shows an interest in sports. To learn more about adoption, visit www.adoptkids.org or call 877-457-5430.”


  1. I hate seeing those in the paper too. I think that even though Kris and I are divorced, my kids still are blessed with two parents who put all things kids first. Who love them and do things with them. I found Estella and Ian's baptism pictures this weekend and I cried a little. That was one of the most joyous days of my life.

  2. Awww, I feel the same way. I've always wanted to adopt and it's frustrating because it cost SOOOO much! I hope I can come to the point where we can adopt someday.

  3. Good thing they don't have such things in our newspaper...our house would be busting at the seams...and it already is with our own children. Thanks for the thoughts, Kerrie.


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