Sunday, January 31, 2010

Miss, You've Saved Too Much Money

Last weekend I saved too much money at the grocery store and an override had to be done. It rocked. I took advantage of my Chopper Shopper card, actually cut coupons and had a raincheck for Weight Watchers Smart Ones. I usually like shopping at Aldi since I save more money there, but when I HAVE to go to Price Chopper for the better apples and oranges and some other choice stuff, I hate walking out spending $300 and needing help out with my two carts.

If I were rich, I would get my groceries delivered. Hell, I'd have all my MEALS delivered.

Do you enjoy grocery shopping, or is it a necessary evil? Do you like the thrill of the SAVE by using coupons? Should I join Sam's Club? Should I join Overeaters Anonymous?

1 comment:

  1. We have our groceries delivered! The stores here let you place your order online and they deliver it to your house for $15 (or you can shop online and pick it up at the store for $10). You can use coupons and the shopper card. It's totally worth it to not have to actually go to the grocery store. I justify the cost by the fact that I don't impulse buy when I shop online. I only buy what I need on my's easier when the chocolates aren't staring you in the face when you check out.


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