Friday, August 2, 2019

A Guide to Redesigning Your Kitchen

Your kitchen should be somewhere that you find pleasant and inviting. However, unfortunately, not everyone’s home comes with a picture-perfect kitchen. The good news is that you can create such a kitchen, primarily by maintaining the one that you have. It is also true that even if you do have what you see as the perfect kitchen, there are times that you may want something different. Below, you’re going to find a guide to redesigning your kitchen if it’s something you aim to do now or in the near future.

Set a Budget

Before feasting your eyes on design ideas, you should start by setting a budget for yourself. Take a close look at your finances and see how much you can logically afford to spend on a redesign. It could cost you anywhere from hundreds of dollars to hundreds of thousands, so be realistic about what you can afford. Be sure to include a contingency budget in the event that unexpected expenses arise. There are financing options, such as obtaining a home-equity line of credit. Alternatively, try getting a home-equity loan in which you’ll get a lump sum upfront.  

Decide on Renovations

When you make the decision to redesign your kitchen, it is often because you want a new look and feel. With that in mind, make a note of what about the kitchen you want to change. Below are a few renovations or redesigns you could try.   

Custom Cabinet Doors: To give your kitchen a fresh look, replace your cabinet doors. To create an even more personal feel, you could get custom cabinet doors. This is something that you can do on your own as a DIY project, or you could get someone to come and install them.

Replace Countertops: Your kitchen countertops are something you often use, so you may want to replace those as well. You should also keep in mind that you don’t always have to replace your countertops and could repair them instead, especially if you’re on a budget. Some countertop ideas that you could try are white and grey colors or a Grecian white interlocking tile.                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Upgrade Appliances

Your kitchen has a number of appliances that you use on a daily basis. This could include things like a dishwasher, refrigerator, and stovetop. Make a note of the appliances in the house that are old and need to be replaced. You should also check for energy-saving appliances that will help you save money or energy. Some of the best kitchen appliances include an AmazonBasics Microwave, a SmartThinQ fridge, or a Brava Oven.

Plan a Kitchen Layout

The kitchen is somewhere that should be functional. Think about how you use your kitchen and what areas, as well as appliances, are a priority. The things that you use often should be close by so that they’re easier to access. The three things that tend to be used the most are the sink, refrigerator, and stove which are commonly arranged as a work triangle. 

A kitchen remodel can significantly increase the value of your home. Think carefully about what you want to do, plan it out, and remember to stick to a budget.

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