Saturday, January 19, 2019

How to Achieve the Perfect Night of Sleep Using Natural Remedies

Understanding that a good night's sleep is equally as important as routinely exercising and
keeping to a healthy diet will instantly put you on the right path.
Studies have given us insight into the powers of sleep and low-level, poor sleep can have an immediate
negative effect on several factors, including brain function, hormones and the ability to exercise at a
good level. What’s more, you can end up gaining weight and become more at risk to health issues such
as heart disease when you don’t get quality sleep; it’s really that important.
On the other side of things, enjoying good sleep means you can benefit from eating correct amounts,
experience superior exercise sessions and live with better overall well-being.
Our ability to sleep well and sleep consistently has been declining over the past few decades, so
taking stock to make sure that you don’t become one of the statistics who’ve fallen into this trap is
Here are a handful of the best natural remedies you can adopt to maintain a perfect night’s sleep on a
regular basis.
Enhance Your Bedroom Space
Ensuring that you have a sleep-friendly environment to retire to each evening is one of the most
important things that you can add to your regime as a sleep-conscious person.
The main considerations for this natural sleep remedy are the following:
·      Ideal temperature (18°C and 21°C.)
·      Low noise
·      Minimal to no external light
·      Minimal to no digital screens, including TV
The factors highlighted above, if addressed, will aid sound slumber to be achieved in the best way
possible, helping you to avoid poor sleep and long-term health issues.
Make the space as relaxing and ambient as you possibly can, which also includes removing clocks as
they can distract and prevent you from drifting off, or getting back to sleep if you happen to wake up.
Try Using a Melatonin Supplement
The hormone, Melatonin, is a vital part of your sleep cycle as it signals to the brain when the time is
right to unwind and take yourself off to bed.
These days, it’s widely known for people to include melatonin supplements to help effective sleep as
part of a hectic lifestyle to secure better sleep. It’s regularly used to treat insomnia as well, and with
melatonin on your side, it’s arguably one of the best ways to send yourself off to the Land of Nod each
Research has found that as little as 2mg of melatonin prior to going to bed raised not just sleep quality,
but more energy the following day too, while also assisting in faster transitions to falling asleep.
There is such a thing as too much melatonin, which you can find out more about here, but if you decide
to stop using the supplement, no withdrawal symptoms were reported in the research.
Caffeine Consumption Control
The wonders of caffeine are enjoyed by so many people on a day-to-day basis, thanks to its
energy-boosting properties. It can be handy to help with focus and increased energy, to name just two
of the vitality-centric purposes it serves.
The only sticking point with caffeine is that when it’s consumed too late in the day, the stimulation your
nervous system gets can prevent your body from naturally relaxing in the evening time when you
should be winding down and readying your mind and body for sleep.
It’s possible for caffeine to remain in your body for 6–8 hours after you consume it. As a result of this,
you should be aiming to avoid caffeine consumption after, ideally 3pm, but 4pm at the latest.
You might be craving that late afternoon cup of coffee to see you through the rest of the day, but it’s
worth remembering that caffeine can, and most likely will, significantly worsen your quality of sleep,
particularly if you are sensitive to caffeine, or consume notable amounts later in the day.
Create Regular, Consistent Sleep/Wake Times
Our last point is one that you get to tailor to your own needs as you see fit.
Your body's circadian rhythm goes about its business on a finely tuned loop that aligns itself with
sunrise and sunset. Therefore, maintaining consistency with your sleep and waking times can support
long-term sleep quality.
Research has cited that those who endure irregular sleeping patterns and go to bed late on the
weekends will live with poor quality sleep. Additionally, having irregular sleep patterns has the capability
to change your circadian rhythm and your melatonin levels.
What you need to stay on top of is getting in the habit of waking up and going to bed at loosely similar
times each night and morning. Once you have kept this up for several weeks, there’s every possibility
that you won’t even require an alarm to wake you up in the morning!
Hopefully, these easy but important remedies help you on your journey to success sleep at night and
you can reap the many benefits that come with getting sound slumber.

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