Wednesday, August 30, 2017

5 Tips to Make Moving Easy

Moving home can be a stressful experience, even if everything goes smoothly, you still have a lot to do before and after the big day. Trying to organize your move so that it becomes less stressful is something everyone should do, but where do you start?

There are many easy things you can do that will make your life much easier, and they won’t take much time at all.

Choose Your Moving Crew
Having a company move your house for you is one of the best things you can do. Not only will it be quicker because they are professional, but it will also mean less anxiety and stress to get it all done in one day.

Companies such as Small Moving Inc can move you with little fuss and no stress. They will also be insured in case of damage, which you won’t have if you do it yourself.

Pack an Overnight Bag
Just as you would if you were going away for a weekend, pack a bag with all the essentials you will need for the night and the next day. Then, if you are too tired once you have finished moving, you won’t have to sift through all your things to find what you need.

Another good idea is to make sure the bed is the first thing put together and ready to go. Therefore, you can just crash out at the end of the day without late night panic and dread.

Pack the Items You Need First in a Clear Box
Make sure that you pack all your essentials in a clear box so that it stands out from the rest of the boxes. In there, you should place your toilet rolls, tea or coffee things, kettle, phone chargers and anything else you will need.

Try to make sure that this box is one of the last to go on the truck, or take it in the car with you. That way, when you arrive, you will have it all ready instead of waiting for it to be unpacked.

Padding for Your Breakables
If you don’t want to spend a fortune on bubble wrap, there is a good idea that will still protect your breakable items. Wrap them in clothing and tie them with string, then you can pack them, and they will be protected. If you need additional protection, roll up socks and gloves and tuck them in the corners or gaps.

It is also a good idea to tape mirrors or glass so that if they get broken, the pieces will be contained.
Label Your Boxes
Although this is a sensible thing to do, a lot of people don’t write on the boxes where they will go. It makes it much easier for the crew to place them in the right room, and it means you won’t need to move them around later.

These are just a few of the things you can do to make moving day easier. If you can keep organized as you are packing, you will find it will take less time to unpack at the other end. 

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