Saturday, March 2, 2024

Cookbook Recipe: Fully Loaded Tater Tot Casserole Recipe

It's the age-old question: what's for dinner? 

In my house, this question is often followed by: what's for dessert? If I haven't done my meal planning and shopping for the week, instead of a real answer, you will get a blank stare from me.

Problem solved!

The Tater Tot Casserole Cookbook, is ON SALE in print version for just $6.99 (free shipping with Amazon Prime!)* so you can hold it in your hot little hands and keep it on your bookshelf for easy reference. I have even included a chapter on Meal Planning, so you can figure out which night of the week will be the very best one to serve one of my 35 tater tot casserole options (and 13 desserts!).

This cookbook is a unique holiday gift or birthday gift, so you not only get a fun resource for your own kitchen, but you can at the same time make someone else very happy with a fun present!

Did you know tater tot casserole makes THE BEST meal to take to someone who is ill, who has just had a new baby, who has a deployed husband and could sure use some love in the form of a meal? It's the ultimate comfort food. So why not whip up a casserole from this gem of cookbook recipes and run it over to your friend along with a copy of the cookbook?!

Here is a recipe from the book called Fully Loaded and it's a bit different from the other recipes!

Fully Loaded

You’ll really dig this one! This is the new addition to the cookbook and has all kinds of decadent goodness! I added this one for my son Michael, who is not a fan of ground beef!

1 pound turkey or deli meat of your choice
2 pounds frozen tater tots
Jalapeno peppers, sliced
Black olives, sliced
1 cup sour cream
Green onions
½ pound of bacon, cooked crisp
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

1.         Preheat oven to 350 degrees and spray the bottom of a 9 x 13” pan with cooking spray.
2.       Cook bacon until crispy and transfer to paper towels to soak up any grease. Cut up bacon using scissors or chop on a cutting board.
3.       Chop the lunch meat and place in the bottom of the sprayed 9 x 13” pan so the bottom of the pan is covered.
4.        Dump out the bag of tater tots over the meat.
5.        Place remaining ingredients, including bacon, in the pan and stir it all up.
6.       Bake at 350 degrees uncovered for about 30 minutes.

7.         Take out of the oven and let cool for a few minutes before serving.

Here's how to order your copy of The Tater Tot Casserole Cookbook!

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